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Presentation Package

Presentation Package

The Presentation package manages the app's user interface (UI) and contains three sub-packages:


Contains reusable UI elements like the bottom navigation bar, toolbar, loading indicators, and dialogs to maintain consistent design across the app.


Manages the app's appearance, including colors, typography (fonts), and themes (dark/light theme), allowing easy customization of the app's visual style.


Contains all the screens in the app. Each screen follows a structured setup:

  • Screen: The main composable function for the UI.

  • UiState: Represents the current ui state of the screen, and also contains UiEvent to handle user actions and events on the screen.

  • ScreenRoute: Manages the navigation logic to and from the screen. ScreenRoute is an interface used for defining navigation routes between different screens in the app. To implement navigation for a screen, create a class that implements the ScreenRoute interface. If the screen needs to display a title, simply override the title field to specify the screen's title. See SignInScreenRoute as an example. See Voyager navigation library for more advanced setup.

  • UiStateHolder (ViewModel): Manages the screen's state. It is the same thing as ViewModel. It interacts with the UiState and handles events (UiEvent) triggered by user actions.

    For new screens, simply implement the UiStateHolder interface for a screen. When you need to call a suspend function, do so within the uiStateHolderScope.launch, similar to how it's done in a viewModelScope.

    class NewUiStateHolder() : UiStateHolder {
    fun testFunction() = uiStateHolderScope.launch{
    //Call suspend function

    For creating instances of a UiStateHolder, the uiStateHolder function is used for most screens. See OnBoardingScreenRoute class.

    val uiStateHolder = navigator.uiStateHolder<OnboardingUiStateHolder>()

    However, for screens in the bottom navigation, you can use the navigatorUiStateHolder to ensure the ViewModel does not get recreated when switching between navigation items. This helps maintain a consistent state across navigations. See ProfileScreenRoute class.

    val uiStateHolder = navigator.navigatorUiStateHolder<ProfileUiStateHolder>()

    Additionally, ensure that the DI setup is done in the AppInitializer within the presentationModule, for example, by including factoryOf(::NewUiStateHolder) to handle dependencies correctly for the UiStateHolder.